We flew into LaGuardia Airport from RDU. We arrived around 4pm. The flight went pretty good. We did sit on the runway awhile and we flew in a smaller plane, but it was pretty seamless. We took a cab from LaGuardia to the hotel. The cab ride was nice and scenic. The guy driving was a foreigner and only ask us our location. I don't think he knew much English.
The hotel, The Algonquin is nice, but the rooms are small. It should not matter, we will be beating the streets most of the time. We headed down to the Ed Sullivan Theater after we checked in. We were hoping to
We then decided to beat the streets and do some exploring. We ate dinner at a Whole Foods Market. That was pretty kewl. There is lots of stations and all kinds of food. You pick out what you want and then pay 7.99 per lb. It was actually good. Greenville needs to get a Whole Foods Market. It also looks like a good place to meet people, but this is New York. We checked out more shops and went to the Apple Computer Store. It was nice. NYC is having a Big Apple Barbecue Block Party on Sunday on 5th Avenue. They actually mentioned Mitchell's Barbecue from Wilson, NC is going to be here as well as representatives from Memphis, Kansas City, and Texas. Small World, huh? Abbie did point out lots of landmarks while we beat the streets. He is a good tour guide.